Since 2008, Sihanouk Hospital Center of HOPE has partnered with AmeriCares and AstraZeneca to deliver the country’s only comprehensive program that provides preventative education, screening services such as digital mammography and breast ultrasounds and treatment often mastectomies combined with donated medication to treat hormone receptor positive women. The program deploys a team of peer-educators who do outreach in their villages and provide assistance to encourage women to seek early treatment for sign and symptoms. The program will continue to implement the following five key objectives: 1. Increase breast cancer awareness in Cambodia, with a focus on early detection 2. Continue to provide screening and detection services while updating diagnostic capabilities 3. Continue to offer high-quality medical and surgical treatment 4. Strengthen continuity of care throughout the course of disease 5. Improve data management toward dissemination of program results These objectives will be achieved through a series of inter-related activities with the common goal of increasing quality assurance. Interventions will be informed by international best practices for cancer care, but will be carefully adapted to fit with Cambodia’s patient population and limited health infrastructure.