The ABC Global Alliance established in 2016 as an initiative of the European School of Oncology and now registered as a non-profit association in Portugal, is a multi-stakeholder platform for all those interested in collaborating on common projects relating to advanced breast cancer (ABC) around the world. We are made up of people and organisations who are committed to develop, promote and support tangible improvements that will ultimately create awareness and actions that will improve and extend the lives of patients living with ABC worldwide.
The ABC Global Alliance was launched during the World Cancer Congress in Paris on 3 November 2016. It is a continuation of the work developed through the ABC International Consensus Conference created in 2011, responsible for the ESO-ESMO international consensus guidelines for the management of advanced breast cancer and its advocacy efforts.

Abtaluna (which means ‘Our Superheroes’ in Arabic) is a social enterprise which connects families of children fighting/fought cancer. They organize events in Dubai & offer unique services to support children undergoing cancer treatment and their families. They also work to raise awareness about childhood cancer.

Fundasaun Alola is a not for profit non government organization operating in Timor Leste to improve the lives of women and children. Founded in 2001 by Former First Lady, Ms Kirsty Sword Gusmao, the organization seeks to nurture women leaders and advocate for the rights of women.
HALIKU or “Hau Hili Atu Kura” which means “I choose to be healed”, has done great activities with the objective to raise awareness about women’s cancer by informing the community about risk factors, signs and symptoms. Socialization focused on sensitizing women and youths not to be embarrassed or afraid to come to a health facility for treatment.

AmCham Vietnam values our partnership with the U.S. Mission In Vietnam. We share interests to strengthen the U.S.-Vietnam trade and investment partnership and enable a fair, transparent, predictable regulatory environment that values innovation. We celebrate more than 25 years of AmCham Vietnam’s existence and U.S.-Vietnam diplomatic relations and look forward to investing in the future for an even stronger partnership and mutual prosperity for our peoples.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is a professional organization representing physicians of all oncology sub-specialties who care for people with cancer. Founded in 1964, it has nearly 45,000 members worldwide. ASCO offers educational resources for cancer physicians and other health care professionals of clinical oncology. These include scientific meetings, educational conferences, professional workshops, and special symposia on issues of particular relevance and importance to oncologists and researchers. It also produced the patient information website, Cancer.Net It publishes numerous journals, books, newsletters, and online and multimedia resources; it publishes the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO),the Journal of Oncology Practice (JOP),and the Journal of Global Oncology (JGO),JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, which publishes clinically relevant research based on biomedical informatics methods and processes applied to cancer-related data, information, and images, and JCO Precision Oncology, which publishes original research, reports, opinions, and reviews related to precision oncology and genomics-driven care of patients with cancer. Created by members of ASCO, the Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Since the inception of its grants and awards program in 1984, Conquer Cancer has awarded more than $90 million in funding through nearly 1,500 grants and awards to researchers in 65 countries. ASCO’s patient information website, Cancer.Net, is supported by the Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO. CancerLinQ is ASCO’s data platform initiative. It was created to give oncologists a robust quality monitoring system that collects and analyzes data from all patient encounters to improve quality of care.

The ASCP unites more than 100,000 anatomic and clinical pathologists, residents and fellows, medical laboratory professionals, and students to advance laboratory medicine to better improve patient care through knowledge, collaboration and global community.

in 2006, AMESE was born with a dream of a brighter tomorrow for breast cancer patients, just as its acronym indicates support to women with breast conditions. AMESE (support for women with breast diseases). Since then we have been working to reach as many patients as we can, with national organizations and international help as well, our main goal is to find the disease as early as possible, and once is detected, provide support to patients and their families. AMESE has grown to be able to reach every corner of Colombia.

Art for Cancer by Ireal is an organization assisting cancer patients in Thailand with emotional, financial and informational support.

The Asia-Pacific Radiation Oncology Special Interest Group
(APROSIG) aims to develop interaction with and support for Radiation
Oncologists and other radiation therapy professions in Low-income
and Middle-income Countries (LMICs) in the Asia-Pacific region by
developing and supporting bilateral exchange visits, education and
training workshops and the twinning of departments in order to
promote safe and effective radiotherapy.

Basic Health International exists to eliminate cervical cancer on a global level through cutting edge research for the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in low resource settings.
Through research and fieldwork, BHI is creating a scalable blueprint of sustainable strategies that can be applied in communities throughout the world to prevent, identify, and treat cervical cancer. Aligned with the World Health Organization’s mission to eliminate cervical cancer globally, BHI’s team of experts focuses on research, innovation, treatment, education, and advocacy.

Breast Cancer Foundation (BCF) is a social service agency which advocates for the early detection of breast cancer and supports the breast cancer community in Singapore. Established since 1997 in Singapore, BCF actively raises breast cancer awareness through talks, events, research and publications that advocate for early detection through regular screening. BCF supports those affected by breast cancer through psycho-social programmes, support groups and befriending activities. As a registered charity in Singapore, BCF is self-funded and is dependent on public donations to provide quality services and programmes for more women and their families. BCF serves the breast cancer community at Singapore’s first Breast Cancer Centre. The Centre also welcomes members of the public who wish to find out more about breast cancer.

We’re committed to uniting the global breast cancer community behind common goals: making breast health a priority and reducing disparities in breast cancer outcomes worldwide. Since 2014, we’ve engaged partners around the world, assessed needs, identified priorities and defined a strategy to meet our goals.
We use a consensus-based approach and provide analytics, assessment and planning tools, educational materials and implementation science research methodology to empower regional champions to bring about change. By delivering evidence-based technical expertise and a resource-stratified approach, this initiative can improve breast health services and care at any resource level. Our team is inclusive and we encourage organizations, institutions and countries to connect and join the effort.

Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia (BCWA) was founded in 1986 by medical specialists, who realised the need for peer support for women with breast cancer. It is a tax-exempt organisation registered with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia in 1988, and a member of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and Reach to Recovery International (RRI).
BCWA has a two-pronged approach in its services:
i) Improving the quality of life for women with breast cancer using the Reach to Recovery concept of psychosocial and material support
ii) Reducing the risk of premature mortality by providing public education, early detection of breast cancer and navigation of women for further investigations and timely medical treatment

The Breast Health Foundation (BHF), is a Not for Profit established in April 2002 in conjunction with several companies and organisations. We educate the public on breast cancer and breast health, increase awareness and empower women.

HGI develops, implements and studies evidence-based, economically feasible, and culturally appropriate Guidelines for International Breast Health and Cancer Control for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), to improve breast health outcomes and access to breast cancer screening, detection and treatment for women. In 2002, we were jointly founded by Fred Hutch and Susan G. Komen as an innovative alliance and network of individuals, health organizations, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and corporations. We share a dedication to improving breast health care and cancer treatment for women in economically disadvantaged countries. BHGI began by defining best practices with limited resources and creating consensus guidelines for early detection, diagnosis, treatment, health care systems and public policy. Through our global alliance, public health research and international implementation and pilot projects validate and operationalize these guidelines.

Breast Surgery International (BSI) is a society of surgeons from all across the globe, who devote majority of their practice and efforts to patients with breast diseases – malignant and benign. Breast Surgery International is dedicated and committed to the advancement of the science and art of breast surgery and maintenance of high standards in practice of breast surgery. An area of emphasis for the society is towards Developing quality breast cancer care in the Developing countries. Breast Surgery International is a Collective Member Society of the International Society of Surgery/Société Internationale de Chirurgie (ISS/SIC) http://www.iss-sic.com. The membership of the society is restricted to surgeons of high professional standing certified to practice surgery in their respective countries and who devote majority of time in practice and development of breast surgery and pursue research in various aspects of breast diseases.

Bright Future Fund is a leading Vietnamese charity providing support for cancer patients.

ALMETTE Hospital is a tertiary hospital with the three principal missions: quality of care, health professional education and research.
Hospital offers varied specialized services related to emergencies care, interventional and surgical cardiology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, urology, cancer surgery, maternity with neonate intensive care and general medicine including hepato-gastro-enterology, cancer, neurology, pulmonary diseases, diabetes- endocrinology, nephrology- hemodialysis, infectious diseases, and rehabilitation.

Can Tho Cancer Hospital is committed to changing the service style and attitude of health workers towards patient satisfaction! It is the largest oncology hospital in the Mekong Delta region.

Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy was established in 2002 and embraces the mission to be a center of education and scientific research responsible for training human resources in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences as well as applying research findings into healthcare services to meet the needs of the people of the Mekong Delta and other regions of Viet Nam.

A leader in the fight against cancer in SA, since 1931, the purpose of the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), is to offer a unique, integrated service to the public and to all people affected by cancer. Its mission is to be the preferred non-profit leader that enables research with regards to lowering cancer risk, educating the public regarding symptoms, screening and risk reduction, and providing care and support to all people affected by cancer.

CancerAware ensures adequate awareness is raised on the subject of cancer and also supports those affected by it. CancerAware is a Lagos based cancer intervention charity. Our mission is simple, yet bold – to reduce the rising cancer incidence in Nigeria, especially among women, through education, advocacy and patient support. We focus primarily on breast and gynaecological cancers as they account for high cancer fatalities in Nigeria.

Nepal Cancer Survivor’s Society – NeCaSS is non profitable organization established by cancer survivor’s and thier family to support cancer patients, counselling patients and their family, create cancer awareness.

We are working towards a caring and supportive society where people with cancer and their families live with dignity, hope and comfort. It is our mission to enable these people to make informed choices while receiving appropriate physical, emotional, social and spiritual support.

Chiang Mai University is a public research university in northern Thailand founded in 1964. It has a strong emphasis on engineering, science, agriculture, and medicine. Its instructional mission includes undergraduate, graduate, professional and continuing education offered through resident instruction.

City Cancer Challenge Foundation (C/Can) supports cities around the world as they work to improve access to equitable, quality cancer care. C/Can leads a city-based partnership initiative that aims to improve access to quality cancer care in cities around the world by transforming the way stakeholders from the public and private sectors collectively design, plan, and implement cancer solutions. The approach is built on the core principle that cities can drive impact at national level by crafting data-driven solutions with the support of a network of global, regional, and local partners that reflect an understanding of the unique local context. C/Can was launched by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) at the 2017 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos. It was established as a standalone Swiss foundation in January 2019.

Mailman School of Public Health, is the public health graduate school of Columbia University. Located on the Columbia University Medical Center campus in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, the school is recognized by the Council on Education for Public Health. The Mailman School is considered a preeminent school of public health in the United States. The school began in 1922 as the DeLamar Institute of Public Health. It became an official school within the university in 1945. In 1999, following a $33 million grant from the Joseph L. Mailman Foundation, the school was renamed the Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health. The school is ranked among the top public health schools in the nation by the U.S. News & World Report. Currently, the school enrolls over 1,400 students and is one of the largest recipients for sponsored research pertaining to public health.

CureCervicalCancer is dedicated to the early detection & prevention of cervical cancer around the globe for the women who need it most.

Da Nang Oncology Hospital was established August 15, 2015 of the People’s Committee of Da Nang City, on the basis of reorganizing the Oncology Department of Da Nang Hospital and receiving status quo. organizational structure, employees, headquarters, facilities, equipment, finance, properties of Da Nang Cancer Hospital (under the City Sponsoring Association for Poor Women and Children). The hospital is a public non-business unit, under the management and direct direction of the Director of the Department of Health of Da Nang, including 8 rooms and 20 faculties.

Contribute to a better quality of life for cancer patients in Colombia through a multidisciplinary approach to cancer; and ensure early detection and timely treatment with continuity, quality and dignity. Together we change the face of cancer!

Fill the void in our country to help poor women in the prevention and cure of the silent disease of breast cancer through information, education and donations.

ENDRO, established in Geneva, Switzerland in 2018, is a global non-profit organization committed to uncovering gender biases in research, bridging evidence gaps, and driving systemic changes in the research ecosystem for tangible real-world impact. Through collaborative efforts with partners, we identify gaps, strengthen capacity, generate evidence, and advocate for sustainable solutions, with the goal of fostering enduring change in research and knowledge production. Explore our website to delve into our dedicated work and learn how you can contribute to creating more equitable solutions for the societal challenges of our time.

GACCF offers training, technology, access—and hope—where there was none before. During our educational journey, specifically for low-and middle-income markets, we drive cancer care professionals to expand their knowledge base. We implement and oversee training courses and workshops that enhance cancer treatment through radiotherapy treatment—an essential component in more than 50 percent of all cancer patients, along with surgery and chemotherapy. We develop and empower the human capital required to save lives and beat cancer.

Global Oncology’s mission is to bring the best cancer care to underserved patients around the world. We collaborate across geographic, professional and academic borders to improve cancer care, research and education.

HMU has been known as the leading education entity in the country in training and providing highly qualified human resources for the health sector in Vietnam.

Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH) was first founded as the School for Doctor’s Assistant, then the Secondary Pharmaceutical School, The Central School for Health Staff and the School of Training for Health Staff (1948-1975) and the School for Health Administrators (1976- 2001). In 2001, the Government upgraded status of the school into university and became Hanoi University of Public Healh, but it kept the English name as Hanoi School of Public Health. In Oct 2016, the school has officially changed its English name to Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH). The university has its own strategic development plan between 2013-2020 with the vision to become the leading institution in Vietnam and in the region on Public Health training, research and consultancy. HUPH has also a long history of strengthening partnership within its faculty and other institutional departments, organizations and agencies, nationally and internationally, to develop the school’s human resources, quality improvement in training, research and consultancy and thus to progress in the direction of globalization.

Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital was founded in 1985. The hospital serves as the main cancer center for treatment of patients from the southern half of Vietnam. It is the largest public cancer hospital in and registers about five thousand new cases annually. The hospital is capable of providing various treatment modalities such surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is equipped with approximately 1100 beds and staffed by about 130 full time physicians.

University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City is one of the most highly ranked universities of medicine and pharmacy in Vietnam. It offers graduate and postgraduate education in medicine, pharmacy. The university has seven faculties and one hospital.

The Hospital Universitario San Ignacio is a 4th level university hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. It is located within campus of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and is home to this school’s faculties of Medicine, Nursing and Dentistry.

Hue Central Hospital (HCH), established in 1894, is the first Western-style hospital in Vietnam. It was awarded the Special Class in 2009. In 2014, the Treatment on Demand & International Center (Hue International Hospital-HCH) went into operation. Hue Central Hospital is committed to the highest level of leadership in medical services, training and research, as well as medical technology implementation in the whole Central and Highland regions of Vietnam, guided by the Vietnam Ministry of Health.

The Hue University Hospital is a mid sized (400 bed) hospital that is affiliated to the Hue College of Medicine and Pharmacy (HCMP). The hospital is the main teaching facility for the medical school and offers a wide range of clinical specialties.

The Faculty of Public Health originated with the amalgamation of two departments known originally as the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology and the Department of Health Organization. Both these departments were established in 1976 by the Ministry of Health. They began to provide education in preventative medicine and health organization to medical students in 1977.
Vision: To improve the health of the people living in the Central and Highland regions, throughout Vietnam and Southeast Asia with strategies to improve the quality of training, scientific research and the provision of community health care services.

Hung Vuong Maternity hospital is located in Ho Chi Minh city and was established in 1900 as a maternity hospital. It is considered primarily an obstetrician/ gynaecology hospital, but it is also renowned for its emergency department. The hospital has 800 inpatient beds and services include outpatient care, emergency, high risk pregnancy, postoperative care and infertility, cancer, amongst others.

The ICANSERVE Foundation provides hope and help to women with breast cancer. It promotes and conducts early breast cancer detection programs in local communities providing sustained access to accurate diagnosis, timely treatments and patient navigation. Its network of cancer survivors light the path for women with cancer towards total healing.

We are an institution of the Colombian State in its national order, which works for the integral control of cancer through the attention and care of patients, research, the training of human talent and the development of actions in public health,

The International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP), formed in November 2012, is a group of organizations whose members were already individually working to support country cancer control planning efforts. Now, these organizations will work together on identified priorities to maximize their collective resources and avoid duplication of effort.
The long-term outcome that the ICCP is working towards is that all countries have and are implementing a quality cancer control plan, which is linked to a country’s non-communicable disease (NCD) control efforts. The ICCP believes that prioritizing cancer is critical to reaching the voluntary goal within the Global Monitoring Framework on NCDs and the WHO Global NCDs Action Plan 2013-2020: a 25% reduction in premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases) by 2025.

The mission of the INP is to strengthen healthcare delivery in low resource settings by building global nursing partnerships targeted at bidirectional education, training, and mentorship exchange programs.

The Khmer–Soviet Friendship Hospital is a public hospital located on Yothapol Khemarak Phoumin Boulevard in Phnom Penh. The hospital is managed by the Ministry of Health.

Breast cancer support group based in Hanoi since 2014.

The King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit, national foundation founded in 2001 by Royal Decree and headed by HRH Princess Ghida Talal. HRH Princess Ghida presides over all management functions and operations of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) along with a board of trustees comprised of a dedicated group of prominent volunteers who are experts in the fields of health, economy and finance.

It is a national non-profit private law association, created on October 23, 1960 with the purpose of carrying out education, prevention and early diagnosis of cancer with the participation of volunteers. Throughout these 60 years, more than 30 Sectional Leagues and Chapters have been created in different cities and municipalities to get closer and closer to the community.

LIFE Centre is a socio-nonprofit organization carrying out a mission to promote the quality of life of the vulnerable populations. we always listen to the needs of the communities; tailor efficient strategies; and create strong impacts to improve life quality.

A non-profit organization that focuses on socializing early detection activities by means of BSE (Self Check Breast), SADANIS (Clinical Breast Checking), and mentoring for women with breast cancer.
Lovepink operates as a community base of survivors who work voluntarily to support the vision and mission of the organization.

Lymphoma Coalition, a worldwide network of patient groups with a full or partial focus on providing support to patients with lymphoma, was formed in 2002 and incorporated as a not for profit organisation in 2010. The need for a central hub of consistent as well as reliable current information was recognised as well as the need for lymphoma patient organisations to share resources, best practices, and policies and procedures. With this in mind, four lymphoma organisations started the LC. Today, there are over 80 member organisations from over 50 countries.

To mobilise resources in order to provide curative, preventive, research and support services to cancer patients and their families, high-risk groups and the general public, in Malaysia and the world. To pool and utilise all efforts, expertise and finance of all sectors of the society to fight cancer and reduce related pain, morbidity and the suffering that cancer patients undergo.

The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) is an international multidisciplinary organization dedicated to research and education in all aspects of supportive care for people with cancer regardless of the stage of their disease. Founded in 1990, MASCC now includes members from more than 70 countries.

The Curie of Indochina (Insitut Curie de L’Indochine) was born in Hanoi on October 19, 1923, in charge of Lawyer Mourlan. From June 7, 1926, the Indochina Curie Institute was renamed Indochina Radium Institute, then the Institute was also known with another name as Cancer Institute. Hospital K is the nation’s leading specialist in cancer examination and treatment. The hospital currently has 03 facilities in Hanoi with more than 1,700 employees.

The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (Persatuan Kanser Kebangsaan Malaysia), (NCSM), is the first not-for-profit cancer organisation in Malaysia that provides education, care and support services for people affected by cancer and the general public.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) established the Center for Global Health (CGH) in 2011 to help reduce the global burden of cancer. CGH develops initiatives and collaborates with other NCI divisions, NCI-Designated Cancer Centers, and countries to support cancer research and cancer research networks, promote cancer control planning, and build capacity in low- and middle-income countries.

NCHRC is dedicated to provide internationally accepted highest quality care and services in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and palliation of cancer through highly skilled, competent and dedicated interdisciplinary team, state-of-the-art technologies, good laboratory practice, innovative research, robust outreach and outstanding education and training programs.

Our mission is to reinvent the public health paradigm by inspiring innovative scholarship, practice and leadership across boundaries. We have a bold vision: to significantly improve the health of populations by pioneering solutions that advance health equity around the world, today and tomorrow. Our values underscore: Community, Diversity, Happiness, Integrity, Respect, Trust and a Commitment to Value Everyone Equally— irrespective of stature, appointment or seniority.

The Breast Prosthesis Program provides the following items and services, which are available in our comfortable, private Lingerie departments (selection may vary by store):
• Breast forms for mastectomies, lumpectomies and reconstructive breast surgery
• Post-mastectomy camisoles and bras
• Free pocketing on any bras purchased from Nordstrom
Nordstrom currently does not accept insurance for items purchased online. Please contact your insurance provider for coverage and filing information.

Novartis Oncology is inspired by patients to revolutionize the research, development and manufacturing of innovative, high quality medicines that help to improve and extend people’s lives.

After the first National Cancer Nursing Research Conference in 1973, 20 oncology nurses discussed the need for a national organization to support their profession. The Oncology Nursing Society was created after this initial meeting. These 20 nurses used word-of-mouth to spark interest among their colleagues to launch this organization.
Over the years, we have grown to include more than 35,000 members and are now known as the standards bearer of advanced cancer care.
Through ONS, cancer caregivers at any point on the clinical ladder are able to advance their learning and careers, understand and contribute to oncology science and best practices, advocate for their profession, and ultimately advance our cause—to continuously improve the quality of cancer care and the lives of every nurse who provides it.

Ovarcome is an ovarian cancer foundation envisioned to end the scourge of ovarian cancer.
At Ovarcome, we are inspired by the simple philosophy of support, love, and celebration of life.
Our Dream: A world that is free from the scourge of ovarian Cancer.
Our Vision: To be the leading global non-profit organization helping women overcome ovarian cancer and celebrate life!
Our Mission: To raise global awareness, to fund research in search of cures, and to provide financial support to underprivileged women in the U.S. as well as developing nations in their valiant fight against ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) is the oldest and largest ovarian cancer charity in the world. Incorporated in 1994, OCRA has raised over $100 million in our quest to end ovarian cancer. As the largest private funder of ovarian cancer research, OCRA is also the only ovarian cancer-dedicated voice on Capitol Hill continuously advocating for hundreds of millions of dollars in federal research funding provided by the National Cancer Institute and Department of Defense, as well as for related health policies that will benefit women.

Partners For Cancer Care And Prevention (formerly known as United Hands for Health) and the sister organization in Colombia “Fundación para la Prevención y Tratamiento del Cáncer”, are 501(C)(3) non-profit organizations established in 2012. Initially the focus of the organizations was of a medical mission; however, it was decided to concentrate the efforts in creating a lasting educational program. We initiated a program that provides a comprehensive oncological approach for women with breast and cervical cancers, that is sustainable and ensures quality.

Patient’s Friends Society – Jerusalem (PFS) is a Palestinian non-governmental organization founded in 1980 by Palestinian academics and health professionals.They are dedicated to providing public health services for Palestinian women through health education and counseling, early detection of disease through affordable health screening examinations, and by conducting research. The topics addressed include breast disease, sexually transmitted infections, osteoporosis and the midlife woman. PFS publishes educational leaflets and posters that are distributed at health education sessions, in clinics, at workshops and conferences, with a special focus on women with breast cancer.

Pfizer Oncology strives to advance the frontiers of cancer biology and to translate this knowledge into high-impact medicines for cancer patients.

Kasuso aka Philippine Foundation for Breast Care is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to serving indigent patients through early detection and patient navigation so that patients are able to receive quality and timely treatment and care.

The Queen Sirikit Centre for Breast Cancer is committed to continuously providing the breast cancer patients in Thailand with the best and often higher than the international standards, so that all patients can have access to up-to-date medical equipment and state-of-the-art technology for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Queen’s University Belfast is a public research university in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The university received its charter in 1845 as “Queen’s College, Belfast” and opened four years later. Queen’s offers academic degrees at various levels, with approximately 300 degree programmes available.

Raising Hope Charity Group was established on June 1st, 2015 with the support from doctors, medical students, and sponsors, led by Mr.Xuan-Dung Ho, MD. Our main activities mainly focus on helping underprivileged cancer patients in the Oncology Department, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Since the early days, we have been creating a strong connection among doctors, students and patients.

Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre is a visionary project of Indraprastha Cancer Society and Research Centre aimed at providing the best of Oncological Care to those who need it. Becoming the best cancer hospital in India providing comprehensive Cancer Care is a concept which was envisaged right from the beginning and has been a boon to the patients, since all facilities exist under one roof.

Reach to Recovery International (RRI) serves as an umbrella organisation for other organisations that work in their own countries or communities to improve the quality of life of individuals affected by breast cancer, including families, through peer support, advocacy, and patient navigation. RRI is committed to assisting its members through a broad range of services offered worldwide.

Salt Cancer Initiative (SCI) is a social enterprise established to provide accurate and reliable knowledge, as well as organizing supportive events for Vietnamese cancer patients community. Founded in 2017 with the motto “You don’t have to fight cancer alone!”, SCI focuses on providing accurate information, education, training and emotional support for cancer patients in Vietnam.

Shwe Yaung Hnin Si Cancer Foundation is one of Myanmar’s leading non-profit cancer organisations.
1. To improve awareness of cancer among people of Myanmar.
2. To disseminate health knowledge on cancer prevention.
3. To impart knowledge on cancer screening procedures and to provide guidelines for early detection of cancer.
4. To give financial assistance and support for the treatment of patients diagnosed with potentially curable cancer at an early stage, especially for those who are in need.
5. To involve in active partnership or affiliate with other local, international cancer foundations and other organizations

Since 2008, Sihanouk Hospital Center of HOPE has partnered with AmeriCares and AstraZeneca to deliver the country’s only comprehensive program that provides preventative education, screening services such as digital mammography and breast ultrasounds and treatment often mastectomies combined with donated medication to treat hormone receptor positive women. The program deploys a team of peer-educators who do outreach in their villages and provide assistance to encourage women to seek early treatment for sign and symptoms. The program will continue to implement the following five key objectives: 1. Increase breast cancer awareness in Cambodia, with a focus on early detection 2. Continue to provide screening and detection services while updating diagnostic capabilities 3. Continue to offer high-quality medical and surgical treatment 4. Strengthen continuity of care throughout the course of disease 5. Improve data management toward dissemination of program results These objectives will be achieved through a series of inter-related activities with the common goal of increasing quality assurance. Interventions will be informed by international best practices for cancer care, but will be carefully adapted to fit with Cambodia’s patient population and limited health infrastructure.

SOUL RYEDERS provides personalized resources, innovative programs and community support to anyone in the New York Tri-State area impacted by any type of cancer.

Suandok Breast Cancer Network is a non-profit organisation in the university hospital, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital(link is external). This hospital serves as a training and education centre that provides highly specialised medical care for patients in Chiang Mai and regionally in five provinces of northern Thailand. With over 10 years of experience, Suandok Breast Cancer Network’s aim is to increase access to treatment and care.

SympaMeals is a private charity fund established in 2005 to help poor patients in Hanoi as well as people in difficult personal circumstances. We offer free meal coupons and milk powder, as well as pay for medical treatment and travel expenses for patients under difficult personal circumstances. We also provide SympaKids scholarships to help children of cancer patients stay in school.

A group of ordinary women went through the same illness process, with the same marks on their chests. Because they were reluctant to let others experience the same pain as their own, these women chose to stay at the hospital where they were treated as volunteers after the treatment, caring for patients who suffered the same pain.

Our mission remains constant — we endeavor to deliver novel medicines to patients with cancer worldwide through our commitment to science, breakthrough innovation and passion for improving the lives of patients.
We are working every day to achieve our aspiration to cure cancer. By concentrating the power of leading scientific minds and the vast resources of a global pharmaceutical company, we are finding innovative ways to improve the treatment of cancer.

Tanzania Breast Cancer Foundation has been proud to be at the forefront of breast cancer awareness, empowerment and support programmes.
Since 2008, TBCF has run numerous awareness campaigns together with the public sector and private sector.
It has also run empowerment programmes for breast cancer survivors who are living their lives to the fullest after beating the disease. It has also contributed to breast cancer patients directly through monetary support.

For doctors and medical personnel Including the general public with an interest in diseases of the breast.

The Galen Centre for Health and Social Policy is an independent public policy research and advocacy organisation.

The Lewin Fund to Fight Women’s Cancers® is dedicated to combating the serious challenges facing one in three women and their families. Help us impact lives and affect cures. Inspired by the vision of a courageous woman who battled gynecologic cancer, our fund is a leading nationally‑recognized public charity for ALL women with cancer. Founded in 2014 by Dr. Sharyn N. Lewin, a renowned gynecologic oncologist and surgeon, the Lewin Fund strategically partners with innovative organizations and esteemed researchers from the global community.

Our mission is to increase global access to treatment, care, and support for people living with cancer.

Founded in 1852, The Mount Sinai Hospital is one of the nation’s largest and most respected hospitals, acclaimed internationally for excellence in clinical care. Ranked among the top hospitals nationwide, we serve one of the most diverse populations in the world.

Our support, awareness, education and advocacy goals are directed towards the empowerment of women diagnosed with gynecologic malignancies.
Our research arm offers funding to scientists working to achieve knowledge of ovarian cancer through innovative work in ovarian translational gene projects.

Uganda Women’s Cancer Support Organization (UWOCASO) was started in 2004 by breast cancer survivors, registered as an NGO in 2006 with number S6197 with a mission “To fight Cancer in Uganda by empowering women at risk of and/or living with cancer, their families and communities through provision of appropriate and evidence-based information and practices, awareness, supportive care and Advocacy”. UWOCASO has a secretariat with three full time staff and a team of dedicated volunteers (Cancer survivors) who support the implementation of the activities. UWOCASO has grown from five members to more than 200 across the country.

“The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) unites and supports the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, to promote greater equity, and to ensure that cancer control continues to be a priority in the world health and development agenda.”

“The Universidad del Rosario, is a private university located in Bogotá, Colombia, founded in 1653 by the Archbishop of Santa Fe, Fray Cristóbal de Torres y Motones, with a license from King Felipe IV, to teach Theology, Jurisprudence and Medicine, with basic training in Philosophy.

The University of Malaya is a public research university located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is the oldest and highest ranking Malaysian institution of higher education according to two international ranking agencies.

Woman to Woman is a peer support program which began at the Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York in 2003. Woman to Woman is a network of volunteer survivors of gynecologic cancer, who are specially trained to provide one-to-one support, mentoring, education, and hope to women currently in treatment. Woman to Woman also offers one-to-one emotional support and mentoring for the families and partners who are affected by their loved ones’ diagnosis and treatment. Most importantly, the program is here to ensure that all women diagnosed with gynecologic cancer and their families are supported throughout this unfamiliar and difficult journey.

A registered Kenyan NGO that addresses the stigma associated with Cancer through Educative Communication Campaigns, Encouraging Early Cancer Testing and Treatment

WE CAN is an advocate organization for breast and other women’s cancers around the world. We connect medical professionals, patients, advocates and policy makers to change the face of women’s cancers in the developing world.

Our mission is to improve early detection for breast cancer worldwide through creative and empowering education.

Zambia Cancer Society (ZCS), a non-profit organization founded in 2009 on the belief that no one should face cancer alone. That is why we support anyone affected by cancer, irrespective of age, gender or type of cancer. We want to give hope, inspire and enrich the lives of cancer patients and their caregivers.